Monday, May 12, 2008

the architects

We are on our way! We are thrilled to have Specht Harpman as our architectural firm! Here is a shot of our first site visit with Louise Harpman of Specht Harpman and Diane Cheatham of Urban Edge Developers prior to finalizing our agreement.

This is a new experience for Jay and me since this will be our first opportunity to work with an architectural firm. We were both taken with Louise at our first meeting and our "connection" made our architectural decision an easy one. Our agreement is broken into 5 phases:
  1. Schematic Design
  2. Design Development
  3. Construction Documentation
  4. Bidding
  5. Construction Observation
This means we will be working with Specht Harpman from the design phase through completion of the construction. Specht Harpman came highly recommended. They maintain offices in Austin, Texas, and New York City. In addition to being a partner in the firm, Louise Harpman is currently serving as Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs at the University of Texas at Austin, where she is also the Harwell Hamilton Professor of Architecture. You can find out more information about Specht Harpman at