..."Contrary to the way it may sometimes feel, individual homeowners are empowered to reduce energy usage, save money, and make a viable contribution to the greening of our planet at the grass roots level. But where do we start?
Taking steps to save money on monthly utility bills can lead to improving your home’s marketability. A Home Energy Audit is a step in the right direction! A home energy audit will:
* locate and quantify energy waste and comfort issues in your home,
* propose and prioritize reasonable, affordable solutions,
* provide an evaluation of the proposed alternatives, and
* calculate your payback timeframes and return on investment.
Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) is a not for profit corporation recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy. It is a national standards-making body for building energy efficiency rating systems. Find a certified energy auditor through the RESNET website at
A reputable certified energy auditor will provide documentation every step of the way. Your energy audit will establish a benchmark by considering the current condition of your home and utilizing your recent utility bills. Your home energy audit will also show how your home stacks up against the Energy Star requirements before you make any improvements - vs - how it can be expected to stack up after the completion of the improvements. The report should include a priority list to quantify which improvements or repairs will have the greatest impact and attach a price-tag to each improvement individually....
The inspection will allow you to obtain maximum efficiency relative to your budget. You’ll be able to make an informed decision once you know the cost and the effectiveness of each of the recommended improvements. The payback calculation will give you a reliable estimate of the timeframe for you to recover your costs and begin to achieve a positive return on your investment.
Ask your energy auditor if they will apply the cost of the audit toward future repairs or improvements if you decide to hire them to do the work.
A home energy rating is now a recognized tool in the mortgage industry. Energy mortgages are available which credit a home’s energy efficiency in the home loan. Lenders are increasingly using energy mortgages to make homes more affordable and poising their companies to capture this new market trend. There are two types of energy mortgages:
Energy Improvement Mortgages finance the energy upgrades of an existing home in the mortgage loan using monthly energy savings.
Energy Efficient Mortgages use the energy savings from a new energy efficient home to increase the home buying power of consumers and capitalizes the energy savings in the appraisal. The RESNET website includes additional information about energy loans. Find out more at
What about tax breaks? Congress passed and President Bush signed legislation that extends the tax incentives related to increasing your home’s energy efficiency. Learn more at
To summarize, a home energy audit will give you the edge when choosing the green features most important to you and your family...."